
Restructuring Education Systems

Education systems have economic, political, social and cultural functions. Developments in the information technologies lead to rapid changes and transformations in these areas. Such developments continue to effect individuals, institutions, regions and countries deeply. Beyond any doubt, in today`s world, it is impossible for education systems preparing individuals for life to remain the same and fulfil the missions they assumed without undergoing any changes. For this purpose, most of the developed and developing countries display substantial efforts to make education systems more flexible, effective and accessible by everyone. Leaders of the country and society seem to be on the same page about the importance of the investments made in education and the requirement of making effort towards improving the national education systems. Developments in information and communication technologies changing the life, learning and working styles rapidly require continuous development in education systems. A substantial reform movement is required in connection with the education at global level. Intensive efforts are made towards creating an effective, efficient and quality education system in consistency with the needs of the society and the international standards, having an education approach aiming at knowledge-based society, adopting the principle of life-long learning for everyone, teaching methods and ways of accessing the information that are structured with good governance and system approaches, allowing lateral and external transfers, in compliance with the professional standards in the market, focusing on education based on productivity in order to transform into a quality education model having people in the centre in education systems similar to any other field. Converting central organizations into a structure determining general policies, fulfilling coordination and control functions through restructuring the education services in a manner allowing effective coordination and distributing the powers of top levels to the departments and local units in a balanced manner by increasing the role of local administrations in education as well as creating a system allowing contribution of voluntary organizations and private sector with the purpose of expanding the education services are considered as a global vision. In conclusion, the requirement arise for education models increasing the administrative capacity, management and organization capacity, capacity of utilizing financial resources, monitoring-evaluation capacity of education systems, supporting the development of human resources, that will be handled with life-long learning approach and in integrity, reinforce its structure based on effectiveness, availability of the system and equality.



The Association of Education for the Future is a platform for sharing information, experiences, models and analysis with the purpose of solving education problems of our day that are very important for people and building the education system of the future from today.